The Reward of Faith

The Reward of Faith

Hebrews 11:30-31

Good morning! How’s everyone doing today? Well, it’s great to see you all. 

If you have your Bible, would you turn with me to the New Testament book of Hebrews. We’ll be looking again at what God has to say to us about FAITH through two great stories found in Hebrews chapter 11

The first verse has to do with an ancient battle that took place between God’s people and an occupying force in the ancient city of Jericho. The second has to do with a woman whom God used to save His people and assist them in possessing the promised land. 

Again, we’re in Hebrews chapter 11 — and we’ll be looking at verses 30-31. Now, you can think of these verses as:


These verses show us what faith looks like on the front-lines of life. Here the writer tells us:

30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell, — (after the army had marched around them for seven days). (Joshua 6) 31 By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient. (Joshua 2)

HEBREWS 11:30-31 (NIV)

In Hebrews 11, God tells us a lot about faith. 

Within the context of these two stories, God teaches us that He both receives and rewards anyone who puts their trust in Him, regardless of their past behavior or even their present situation.

Let me say that again before we get too deep into this message.

God teaches us that He both receives and rewards anyone who puts their trust in Him, regardless of their past behavior or even their present situation.


Now, throughout Hebrews 11 we’ve been moving (in a narrative form), from Egypt to the promised land. But today’s an important day in this story — because, today, the people of God arrive and take possession!

If you remember, when the Hebrew people finally reached the Promised Land after wandering in the desert for 40 years, Moses died. God allowed him to see the land that had been promised but he was not able to enter that land because of an incident where Moses took credit for something God had done…lashed out in anger. And so, that left the nation under the leadership of a very capable man named Joshua.

Joshua was also a good leader. He organized the people to conquer the land God had promised. And He had faith and trusted in God’s promises!

Since this was a major undertaking, the Lord reminded Joshua that it would ultimately be GOD, who would fight for them. The Hebrew people wouldn’t have to win their battles on their strength alone, but in His.

And that’s the way it always is for us too — when we trust in Him, God gives us the victories in our lives! That’s why we must live by faith. 

Even so, there are always challenges and obstacles that show up when we choose to walk by faith — and that’s what we’re going to talk about this morning!


Now, I know we just read these two verses — but I want us to work our way through them from the bottom up. I want to consider them in reverse order from how they are in Hebrews 11 because they’ll make a little more sense for us in this study today.

So, with that — look again at verse 31.

Again, Hebrews 11:31 says,


It’s really quite remarkable that God chose to use Rahab. Because she really didn’t have much going for her. 

She wasn’t even a Hebrew — she was a gentile! And as for her profession; she was prostitute! Furthermore, Rahab was also a resident of this ungodly city of Jericho. So, her credentials for being used by God were pretty slack…yet, God choose to use here anyway.

God receives anyone who puts their faith in Him — regardless of their past! If you’ll trust in God, He promises not to hold yesterday against you!  In spite of her reputation, and her lack of pedigree, Rahab had a godly heart.

We find her story in Joshua chapter 2. (You may want to turn their.)

What we know of her story is that the Hebrew people sent a couple of spies into the city of Jericho. And when they arrived, they went to her home to find a room to rent. 

The problem was that the people of Jericho were on high-alert…and were very fearful of the Israelite army Everyone had been instructed to report any suspicious activity. And so the whole city was watching for anything out of the ordinary.

Well, someone noticed the spies coming into the city and likely followed them to Rahab’s home. And so they reported this to the authorities. 

And this is where Rahab really starts to demonstrate her FAITH in God. While she could have easily saved herself (and been seen as hero by her people), she chose instead to hide the men and protect them. 

Let me read her story to you from Joshua 2. In verse 4 it says — that when the authorities came to her home,

Now, in verse 8 is where her FAITH is stated. Listen to what transpires:

Joshua 2:4-11

After saving them from the hands of the soldiers, Rahab asked the men if they would return the favor. 

Rahab believed in the God of Israel. She trembled before Him. She had saved their lives and she hoped they would be willing to save hers. And they agreed!

Rahab chose to trust in God and His people — and she did what was right…not what was easy! She stood with God — placing her faith in Him. And in the end, God not only received her — He also rewarded her!

God protected her life, and gave her a new family. In fact, God’s people became her people!

And that’s the very same thing that happens in each of our lives when we chose to abandon the world and follow Christ!

There is not a better decision to be made! 

And the reward we receive is the same as she received (a new family).

But this wasn’t the end of Rahab’s story. After she joined the Israelite community. She eventually found a husband among them — a man by the name of Salmon

The gospel of Matthew tells us that Rahab went on to become the great-great-grandmother to King David! And eventually would even be an ancestor to Jesus himself! 

LISTEN: When you put your FAITH in God (regardless of your past failures and mistakes), He will not reject you! He will love you and care for you — and meet the deepest needs of your life!

Now, that’s good news for us all…but there’s even more that God wants to do in you and me. 

And that’s where the other story speaks up. In the second story, I want you to…

This story also takes place in Jericho…but it alludes to some major obstacles the people overcome with God’s help. And in doing so, they were rewarded for their FAITH!

Listen again to what Hebrews 11:30 tells us. It says,


By faith, the walls came down! Their reward was the obvious provision and protection of God’s presence. He was with them, and He was keeping His Word — and would make them victors!

But their FAITH wasn’t without challenges. 

The first obstacle to be overcome was the town of Jericho itself

Jericho was a heavily fortified city with thick walls and a skilled fighters. The city had its own water source so they were self-sufficient. There was no way to put a siege on the city and eventually force them to come out. It seemed impregnable.

This was an important battle for the Israelites. It was the first battle in this, their Promised Land. This battle would set the tone for all the battles to come. A defeat here might plunge them back into despair and mutiny.

Because the Israelites numbered close to a million people, there was no way they were going to just sneak up on anyone. 

In Joshua 6 we are told the gates of Jericho were securely locked. But God had a plan!

Listen to the plan that God gives to Joshua — but I’ll warn you, it was pretty strange! Joshua 6:2 says,

And here’s God’s plan — He says, 

Joshua 6:2-5 (NIV)

This is where we see the faith of the Israelites

God’s plan was simple: 

For six days in a row there were to march one-time around the city walls, while blowing their horns and then go back to camp. 

On the seventh day, they were to march around the city walls seven times, then blow the trumpet one long blast and shout. THEN, the Lord promised that the walls would fall down. 

But, let’s be honest, how would you respond if that was the military strategy your General brought to you?

REMEMBER: FAITH IS ALWAYS A CHOICE!It’s  a decision. And it’s not always easy. (But like we said last week — our decisions either move us towards or away from God…each and every day).

There are always challenges (that have to be overcome) to living a life of faith. We overcome these challenges by choosing to obey God’s direction and follow Him where ever He leads. Just think about the challenges that Joshua and his people had to overcome:

  • They had to overcome the inevitable ridicule that following God’s plan would bring.

I suspect the first day the people of Jericho trembled as they waited to see what Joshua and the people were going to do. 

But as they watched, it must have seemed like Israel was just having a parade! And there’s really nothing very threatening about a parade. And by the third day, they were probably standing on the walls, laughing, and hurling insults and maybe even throwing rocks at the people marching around below. 

And I bet the Hebrew people felt pretty foolish!

Jesus even warned us that just as this world persecuted Him — they would persecute us! 

So, if we’re going to walk in faith, we should prepare for some ridicule and rejection!

  • Another obstacle they had to overcome their own sense that the plan was crazy

I want you to understand that sometimes, doing what God tells us to do will seem crazy. But trusting in God — and obeying His Word is always the best decision! 

Let’s be honest, who conquers a city by simply marching around it and shouting? This is where they needed faith. Because, they had to trust in God’s plan even if it seemed crazy.

Think about it: Jesus said a number of things that sounded crazy during His day (and they still do today). 

  • He told us the last will be first and that the one who serves will be more honored than the one who is served
  • He told us to give generously and God would multiply our blessing. 
  • The Bible tells us the more we are committed to Christ the more freedom and fulfillment we’ll find. T

But when we TRUST GOD’S PLAN, we are rewarded by Him! 

But there’s one more major obstacle that the people had to overcome, and that was their tendency to be impatient

Do you realize that they had to march around the city 13 times before anything happen? For seven days they put up with the abuse of the people of Jericho. I am sure there were people in the crowd saying, let’s just shut these people up! 

It takes faith to have patience! It takes faith to wait on God’s timing!

It takes patience and trust to wait on God…

▪ When the healing doesn’t come fast!

▪ When financial security remains illusive

▪ When you pray for someone you love — but they just don’t seem to have any interest in the things of God.

▪ When every door seems to be closed.

We need to understand: Faith requires patience — and patience requires faith!

You probably know the end of the story. 

On the seventh day the people of Israel marched around Jericho seven times. Then the priests blew their horns and the people shouted — and when they did, the walls fell and the Israelites conquered the city!

You know, at some point in our lives — each of us will be confronted with our own Jericho

I don’t know what your Jericho may be? 

Is there a unconquerable fortress standing before you today?

▪ Is there an addiction

▪ Or a troubled relationship

▪ Maybe a bad diagnosis

▪ Or a financial set-back that threatens everything you have

▪ Or maybe a difficult temptation that’s just looming in your mind?

Whatever your Jericho — it stands as an opportunity to exercise faith in God! 

Like Rahab and Joshua, this is your time to stand in FAITH! 

It will mean listening carefully to what God and His Word. 

It will mean fighting off the negative thoughts that say His plan is foolish. 

And it will take courage to believe in God.  


He will receive and reward you if you’ll just put your  trust in Him!  

As we prepare to close, I want to go back to that statement I opened this message with. 

In these two stories, God teaches us that He both receives and rewards anyone who puts their trust in Him, regardless of their past behavior or even their present situation. 

Consider this:

God will reward us for trusting Him (regardless of past behavior).

  • Yesterday’s faithfulness is not required for today’s call! Today’s faithfulness is! 
  • God is more concerned about where you’re going than where you’ve been! 
  • He’s more concerned with your future than your past!
  • He calls and equips people based on His GRACE — not our works!
  • He delights in taking the worst of the worst — and using them for His divine purposes! 

Think about this:  God used Rahab…in spite of her past behavior. 

Her story teaches us that the life of faith is possible for anyone! 

What’s more, is that God will reward us for trusting Him with our current situations. 

When we exercise faith in God — we give Him the opportunity to reward our faith 

And, when we exercise faith in God — we welcome Him to work within us.

In essence, faith is trusting God with our the details and direction of our life. 

But understand this: God is able!

Beyond that — He is also faithful! 

So, the BIG QUESTION is…“Are you willing to follow God in FAITH?”

If you’re facing an unconquerable fortress today, would you be brave enough to stand where you are and allow us to pray with you today? Whatever it is, no matter the size, God is able! And He will reward your faith if you’ll simply trust Him today! 

Let’s pray.