Jeremiah 18:1-6
Good morning everyone! It is so good to be here with you today.
From the time I was a child, my family and I have been fans of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. And as such…I’ve spent most of my days pulling for a team that has simply failed to hold up their end of the bargain. They’ve won a couple of championships through the years, but most of their seasons have been awful. In fact, their very first season, they went 0-14.
But, it I’ve learned anything — it’s that football is fun — but it’s not my life! It’s just a hobby! And I bring that up, because — there’s an experience that seems to be common to EVERY sports team and EVERY sports fan. And it’s this — at some point along the way, you’ll find yourself on the WRONG END of a BAD SEASON!
No way around it. It doesn’t matter how good your team is or has been…no matter how many titles or championships they may have won, at some point you’re destined to experience a loosing season. It may be at a time when your key players become injured, or when your coach can’t seem to get the players to play like a team, or maybe he can’t get his players to play up to their potential.
And when that happens — the optimism evaporates, the momentum shifts — and hope begins to slip away!
But, there’s another experience that seems to be common to all sports teams and fans.
And that is — after a difficult season ends…an off-season begins! And with it, things begin to change. Because during the off season, players are traded, personnel are upgraded, strategies shift and plays are redesigned. In addition, new players are drafted, resources are reallocated, and something almost magical happens. Because, in time — a new season begins and with it hope is renewed!
Optimism returns, confidence rises— and expectations begin to grow! Now, what I’ve just described is not only true in sports — it’s also true in life! It’s quite possible that some of you here today have found yourselves in the midst of a losing season in life. Maybe you’ve faced the disappointment of a loss of job, or the heartache of a broken relationship. Maybe you’ve been struggling with some nagging addiction or you’re battling a besetting sin. And whatever it may be for you — you’re left with the feelings of discouragement and despair — with hopelessness and failure. But, if that’s you today — I have some good news for you. Because God can take your loss and turn it into a win. He can help you experience the end of one season and the beginning of a new season. It’s that promise of transformation and help that reminds us that HOPE IS NEVER REALLY LOST! Because what is impossible for man is possible for God.
That proclamation of God’s promise and power permeates the pages of scripture. That theme of hope and life, of forgiveness and restoration are found throughout the Bible. The scriptures are replete with stories of God doing the miraculous and bringing people (like you and me), into A NEW SEASON in our lives. A new season, with new hope! And so, this morning I want to remind you of that possibility (not only in scripture — but also in your life).
Well, if you’ve got your Bibles…pull them out. And turn with me to the Old Testament book of Jeremiah today. As you do, I’ll give you a little background on this book and it’s author.
Jeremiah was a prophet of God, who ministered to the people in the Southern Kingdom of Judah during the 6th century B.C. You might recall that the nation of Israel had previously experienced a civil war (of sorts), and divide into two kingdoms (one in the north and one in the south). Well, Jeremiah was a prophet to that smaller, southern kingdom. He was known as “the weeping prophet” because of the sorrow he felt over the brokenness and the sin of his nation.
And it’s that story that’s at the center of the text we’re going to read in just a moment.
As chapter 18 unfolds, Jeremiah had been warning his people to get their act together. To reject the tendency and propensity to sin and dishonor God.
But the people of Judah continued to reject the warnings and pressed on in their sin. And so God pronounced judgment upon them. He told them that it wouldn’t be long before they would see their nation destroyed at the hands of the Babylonian army…as they would eventually invade their land, defeat their army, and carry them off to Babylon as captives.
And so, knowing this, the people became depressed and heavy hearted…they began to lose hope and showed signs of despair. But it was in the midst of their sorrow and gloom that God spoke to Jeremiah and reminded him of His power and authority.
Through a real-life parable, God spoke to Jeremiah and proclaimed His willingness to do the impossible — by transforming the brokenness of a sin spoiled life into a trophy of grace.
So, if you have your Bible — follow along as I read. Jeremiah 18, beginning in verse 1.
Here we’re told,
1 The Lord gave another message to Jeremiah. He said, 2 “Go down to the potter’s shop, and I will speak to you there.” 3 So I did as he told me and found the potter working at his wheel. 4 But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over. 5 Then the Lord gave me this message: 6 “O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.
This morning, I want to give you a few insights from this incredibly important passage — and hopefully I can challenge you to move forward in God’s plan for your life — recognizing the that there is always a NEW SEASON and NEW HOPE for each and everyone of us.
So, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey — and no matter what personal pain, failure, or struggle you may be going through, you can be certain that God has a NEW SEASON for you!
And the first thing I want to point out is this — you can be sure that:
There is an old lie that continues to be told about God and His work in this world and our lives, and it’s the idea that God is more like a “Divine Clockmaker” than He is an all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present God. This idea has been around for centuries and seeks to define God as distant and certainly not personal. And sometimes we buy into that lie — because we don’t sense His closeness. We don’t see Him working. We don’t hear His voice directing us. And during those times — God may seem absent. (That was certainly the way the people of Judah felt when Jeremiah was prophet). But understand — the distance we often sense from God has more to do with our behavior than His. More to do with where we are (in life) than where He is. More to do with our heart than His.
As Jeremiah discovered on his arrival at the potters house…just as the potter was present, and working at his wheel — so also OUR GREAT GOD is always present and always working in our lives!More than a “clockmaker” who designed this world…wound it up, and walked away — our God is ever-present, constantly working, and always involved in the affairs of our lives.
As Jeremiah tells us, when he arrived at the potter’s house, he found the potter…sitting at his wheel, working his clay, shaping his vessels, and mastering his craft, and doing His job. And as Jeremiah would discover — that visit (to the potter’s house) was a living parable intended to teach him something about both his nation and his God. And that potter represented God.
So, the first lesson of Jeremiah 18, is this — GOD IS ALWAYS AT WORK! He NEVER ABANDONS HIS CREATION. More specifically, He will never abandon you! But don’t miss the depth of this message — it’s not just that He’s good, and that He’s present — but…He’s also IN CONTROL! God is never out of control…even if we are — He’s not! So (if God is all-powerful, and all-present), how do explain when life takes a turn…or our circumstances sour? Does that mean God DOESN’T CARE? Not at all.
Paul put it this way (in Colossians 1), he said — “16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Notice how Paul defines God’s continued interest. In verse 17…he notes God’s attention to the details of our lives when he say, 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
As a boy I’d sing that song, “He’s got the whole world in his hands!” Do you remember it? And it comes from this idea. All things are “held together” (synesteken). Now I know — sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. Sometimes it doesn’t appear that way. Sometimes it seems that you’re just a lump of clay and life is spinning out of contro! It may look that way sometimes, but that’s not how it is.
Even when our poor decisions and mistakes and flaws and sins mar our lives…even when others hurt us, walk out on us, take from us, and wound us deeply…through it all — God is there! And we are in His attentive hands. According to God’s Word — there is a potter, and He’s sitting at the wheel of your life. And He’s continually shaping you with His hands — and molding you and making you into the person you are capable of becoming. The challenge for you and me today, is to RECOGNIZE His presence. His presence and His commitment to His work is what inspires us to hold on to hope for a NEW SEASON, even (hear me today) — even while we may be in the midst of difficult one.
I want to remind you that He’s not set your life in motion — and then walked away. To the contrary, He is constantly present — and you are not alone. So, put your trust in God’s faithfulness today.
Jeremiah describes God in this way when he calls Him the potter — who is always at the wheel!
The real question is: Do you recognize His presence at the wheel of your life? Because…
If you look for God, you will find him!
Let me remind you of the promise of Scripture — as Isaiah states in Isaiah 55:6,
“Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
Or as Jesus said in Luke 11,
“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Luke 11:9-10 NKJV).
And, in the book of Jeremiah, in a very familiar place — in chapter 29. Again, it’s where God spoke and said,
“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)
So, look for the LORD in the midst of your mess…because He’s there. He’s at the wheel of your life — WORKING ON YOU!
Dear friend, you are not forgotten, you are not abandoned — to the contrary…you are cherished; and always and forever in the sovereign hand of your Heavenly Father. And He is still working at the wheel of your life!
So, have hope today — hope for a NEW SEASON…and know that GOD IS ALWAYS PRESENT — and HE’S ALWAYS WORKING IN YOUR LIFE!
That’s the first observation. Here’s the second one. Know this…
And isn’t that good news? Look again at our text. In verse 4, Jeremiah indicates that there was a mistake in the vessel the potter was making. But, instead of abandoning it and throwing it out — instead, he transforms it. Verse 4 says,
4 But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped…
Listen to the way the King James states this verse. It says,
“…the vessel he made of clay was marred in the hands of the potter…”
And one more. The NIV puts it this way…
4 And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand…
And yet, as even marred — God has called us HIS MASTERPIECE. In Ephesians 2:10, Paul says, “10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. And that word — “handiwork” is the word, POIEMA. And it’s the word we derive our English word POEM from. And in Greek it means — MASTERPIECE. Paul is saying you and I are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ to do good works.
Understand, it’s possible to be both marred and be a masterpiece at the same time. And it’s also important to notice that a mistake in your life, a marred place within the clay of your life doesn’t disqualify you for God’s plans. Because he has the power to transform your life into a vessel of use and honor for His glory. Again, God wants us to recognize that there will be times when the clay of our lives will become marred. There will be times when things may turn out ugly, or different from the way we want it to, sometimes things will turn out different from the way God wants them to. But that doesn’t disqualify us from being useful to God and His plans for our lives.
Here’s a powerful point that you need to get today: God DOES NOT design everything that happens within our lives! But if we will submit ourselves into His hands, He can REDESIGN the rest of our lives! Did you hear that? Not everything that happens in your life is God’s will — nor His design. Some people have a hard time believing this. They want to blame every bad thing on the will of God.
You’ve heard people say that, haven’t you? I know I have. I’ve heard well-meaning people say to others who have gone through the most horrific tragedies:
“Well, it must have been God’s will! If it wasn’t God’s will, it wouldn’t have happened.”
But where did we get the idea that if something happens, it must be God’s will?
Well, I’ll tell you where we didn’t get it. We didn’t get it from the Bible. In fact, the Bible makes it pretty clear that many things happen that aren’t God’s will at all!
For starters, the Bible says that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Guess what? He may not be willing for any to perish, but many, in fact, are perishing. It is his will that all come to repentance, but many don’t.
That’s why Jesus told us to pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In heaven, everything is as it ought to be. But on earth that’s not the case. God’s will isn’t always done on earth. If it were, that line in the Lord’s prayer would be an unnecessary and redundant.
The fact is — God’s will doesn’t always take place on earth as it does in heaven. Things happen here that are outside his will. Sometimes the clay doesn’t turn out as He had hoped.
When that happened in Jeremiah, what did God do? Verse 4 tells us…
4 …he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over.
I like the way the English Standard Version puts it. It says…
4 …and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.
In other words, while there may be things OUTSIDE of God’s will — NOTHING is outside of God’s control!
There are no situations in our lives that fall outside of His power to redeem! So, if we will allow him, He will the take the broken parts of our experiences and our lives and re-shape them into something useful, health, life-giving, and beautiful.
As long as we remain in the Hands of God, He will always be there AT THE WHEEL — willing and ready to rework and reshape our lives. He is always ready to fashion us into the masterpiece to which we were designed to be.
Do you have things in your life that need to be RESHAPED?
I don’t want to BELABOR this point — but if you don’t mind, I want to consider again this story Jeremiah is telling.
Because, he says, one day he looked in on the work of the potter and what he saw was a lump of marred clay spinning around and around on the wheel. JUST SPINNING AROUND. Does that sound like your life?
Does your life reflect the picture of endless chaos…just going around and around and around — the repetition of routine, the stress of turning and turn ing and turning.
Well, if so — understand…it wasn’t the spinning that transformed the clay — it was the pressure of the hand of the potter that changed its destiny. It was the working and the shopping of the hand of the master that brought a change and transformed what was marred and spoiled into something changed and remade and redeemed.
And that which transformed the condition of that clay — is the same thing that can transform the condition of your life, your circumstance, and your season…and it’s the HAND OF GOD!
But when His hand touches the clay — He can transform a MESS into a MASTERPIECE!
So, don’t give up…because… “God has a NEW SEASON for you!”
There’s a potter at the wheel of your life — and He can transform your mistakes into a masterpiece.
And that leads us to my third observation…which is also a challenge I want to give you. And it’s this…Just as the clay was found to be pliable and malleable to the hands of the potter, so also:
I know most of your don’t know me or my story…but as a young man, I surrendered my heart and life to Jesus. And as I did, I was discipled and mentored by some really amazing men.
One of the things that taught me — was that I must always remain pliable and malleable in my life…always yielding myself to the work of God. And as they taught me — I challenge you. REMAIN YIELDED to God. Their instruction and challenge in my life reflects the words of an old song we used to sing in my church (as a boy). And it may be a song that you are familiar with too.
It’s a song that reflects the words of this passage we’ve been studying this morning. And as the words of the chorus indicate, you and I have a role to play within the work of God in our lives. And it states, we must continually YIELD ourselves to God.
As that old chorus says…
Have thine own way, Lord , have thine own way.
You are the potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after thy will
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
That’s the message of Jeremiah 18 — but it’s also the message of the prophet Isaiah when he writes in Isaiah 64:8:
“But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)
So, hear me today — “It’s never too late to become what you might have been.” So, what are you waiting for? Yield yourself to God. Do it today. Respond to the divine invitation to give yourself to His plans — and place yourself in His hands! Refuse to allow the marred places in your life to disqualify you from the a new season!
Some of you have been marred by divorce, some of you have been marred by drugs or alcohol. Some of you have been marred by sexual pain and sexual pervasion. Some of you may have been marred by a selfish heart — or ungodly decisions.
Maybe you’ve been marred by influences of this world and the lies of the enemy…and now, you think God is finished with you — and are convinced that God can’t use you now.
Well, if you think like that — think again. Because God has a NEW SEASON in store for you. He wants to fill you with hope and promise. Your past doest’t haveto define your future. So, don’t allow the mars and scars of your past to keep you from experiencing the promise of victory that God has proclaimed over your life.
There is HOPE for you in the potter’s hand. Because those very HANDS that He wants to use to RESHAPE your life…are HANDS which bear the SCARS of His love and sacrifice for you. And you can trust those hands.
Paul tells us, Jesus became marred by sin — so you could be transformed by His grace! In 2 Corinthians 5:21, he says,
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
He died for your sins — so that you could live free of them.
So, if you’re here today and you haven’t taken that first step of saying, Jesus, I believe you died for me, and Jesus, I believe you rose for me, and Jesus, I believe that you can forgive me, then today you need to receive Christ as your savior.
The Bible says, all have sinned, all have fallen short of the glory of God. The Bible says there’s no one righteous. No, not one. We’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s standards. But when Jesus went to the cross, He took your sins upon Himself. He paid price and the penalty for your sin so you could be forgiven. So you could be remade. So you could be whole.
That’s the message of Jeremiah. But the question is — are you willing to YIELD yourself to Him today?
— If you need salvation — then it’s yours today.
— If you need healing from the brokenness your experienced from your poor choices and bad decisions — then it’s yours today.
— And if you need help and comfort in the midst of the hurt and hardship of a difficult season — it too is yours today.
As verses 6 tell us:
6 “…Can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.
I challenge you.…Yield yourself to Him. Welcome His grace — and receive the miraculous transformation that only He can give you. This is your day, this is your new season.
If you would like to accept Jesus into your life — be forgiven of your sin, and experience salvation…then pray with me:
Heavenly Father, I admit that I have sinned and chosen my way over yours too often. But all that changes today. Because, I confess my sin before you. And I confess my faith in Jesus. I believe He faced the cross, and shed His blood, for me. But I also believe that He rose again. So, today — I put my faith Jesus. Save me and give me the true life that I was destined to live. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
And now, if you’ve been in a losing season in life— but you’re ready to experience a NEW SEASON…would you raise your hand? And now, let me pray for you:
Heavenly Father, many of us here today recognize that the season we’re in — or have been in, is not the season we thought it would be. Maybe we’ve experience this season because of our own choices…or sin…or neglect (of some sort). Maybe others are in a difficult season — and it’s of no making of their own. Even so, life has been hard and they’ve struggled to find hope. Would you today do what only you can? Would you transform their mess into a miracle? Would you bring help and healing to them? Strengthen the weak. Embolden the timid. Increase the faith of the fearful. And help them today. Change destinies. Change the direction of those heading the wrong way. And make these lives useful vessels for your purpose again. Bless them, empower them, and give them HOPE! In Jesus name! Amen.